Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some frequently asked questions & answers.

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In Person or Remote coaching?

I work with people both in person and remotely. Each has its unique benefits. Depending on your circumstances and needs, we will determine which is best for you.

In-person coaching is ideal for beginner lifters, people with significant limitations or pain, and anyone wanting the extra care and attention that comes from someone having eyes on their movement in real time.

Remote coaching is ideal if you want to work with Esther but live far away, have experience lifting on your own, and can be accountable to training on your own and want the flexibility to train at your convenience, either from home or in your preferred gym.

Do you do Nutrition Coaching?

I am not a nutrition coach. That’s not to say we won’t talk about what you are consuming. We will discuss simple ways you can improve your nutrition and habits that will support your goals.

If you’re looking for a meal plan and someone to tell you what to eat, I’m not the right coach for you. I am not a weight-loss specialist. I help people implement habits that will support their goals for their long-term health.

What is remote COaching?

Remote coaching is done virtually through on-boarding zoom calls and the TrueCoach app. All custom programming communication goes through TrueCoach.

You have the convenience to workout at the time and place that works for you, with the accountability of a coach.

How long does it Take?

This always depends on the goals that you are trying to reach, the kinds of limitations you are working through, and your capacity for training.

If you are looking for a 30-day or 12-week fix, this is not the place for you.

A minimum 3-month commitment is recommended to start to see change.

How much Does it Cost?

Every client journey is different and before knowing your unique circumstances and needs I can’t accurately say how much it will cost.